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Sketch macOS UI Library

A screenshot of the Sketch website showcasing the macOS UI Library

The other day, a friend of mine asked me if I could help design a fun little website that emulate's macOS. I thought it would be a fun project, and looked around for some design resources to get a head start. Low-and-behold, I came across this amazing gem (get it?! 🤣):

If you're not familiar with Sketch, it's a design and prototyping tool. Totally worth checking out their free trial. Sketch makes a good habit of releasing these, but for some reason the macOS UI Library didn't get any notoriety on their blog.

At any rate, it's a badass resource for rapid prototyping. You can install the maOS UI Library here or click on the image below.

A screenshot of the Sketch website showcasing the macOS UI Library

If you don't have Sketch installed, clicking on the big orange button to install won't do anything. If you do have it installed, it will open Sketch and prompt you for installation. At which it will be available in your Sketch Preferences.

Sketch app preferences on the library tab

Once it's here, you're done! The biggest upside to this Library is it works with Sketch Runner out of the box (a must have for you Sketch users out there). You can quickly plop any macOS component by pressing command-apostrophe (⌘ ') at any time and it should bring up the Sketch runner dialog. Search for a component and:

Sketch Runner dialog search query

Press enter, and drop the component onto your artboard.

Sketch App running with a macOS window component

Congratulations! You’ve're ready to start prototyping! Enjoy! 🎉