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How to Knock Off a Saddleback Leather Bag

I don’t normally purchase leather products. I’m no vegetarian either, unlike my better half. I do however, live and die by Michael Polan’s adage: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

That being said, leather isn’t for everyone, and ethical debate aside — The Saddleback Leather Co. knows how to make a truly remarkable bag. Properly. No bullshit. It’s a lovely video production, and Dave is a really good dude:

If you don’t believe me, read his Saddleback story. It’s really, truly something else. He had some tough times. Also, Dave is one hell of a writer. I enjoy coming across these stories, because there’s always a silver-lining, for example:

In 2003, Blue and I ended up living in Juarez, Mexico in a not so nice neighborhood and rented a $100/month apartment with no hot water. I saved so much money living there that I was able to send a little money for 5 more bags, then 8, then even a dozen at a time.

Where’s this headed…

So, in 2006, just after a trip through Costa Rica and Panama, I moved to El Paso, Texas, met my super funny and hot wife, Suzette, on and got married 6 months later.

Ohhh, there it is ☺️

Sidenote, this one will make you cry and sob because Blue was such a good boy, and integral to the founding of Saddleback. I did some digging around their blog, and there’s pet tribute section on their website. You can share photos and stories of your dearly departed pet with Saddleback and Co. Truly one of a kind.

Never change Dave Munson, never change.

Further Reading

Interview with Dave Munson :: Saddleback Leather Co. – Carryology – Exploring better ways to carry